Saturday, April 23, 2011

Mathematics, Music and Art form the one, true trinity.

-[Conversation Legend]-

=> But wouldn't Music be a subset of Art?

> Well, some argue that Math can also be a subset of Art...hence, the the trinity which are one (yea, ripped that from bible).

=> I'd say they're all possible encodings of the same object.
You could represent a computer program ("Math") as an artistic drawing (there's an esotheric programming language which does just that), and you can represent all forms of arts as a large number composed of 1s and 0s...

> Hence the trinity analogy, as the three in one.

=> But this raises the question "Why is this special?"

> Because not everyone can appreciate it...and I'm just starting to. It's all about the patterns I'm finding.

=> What I mean is - Accepting your axiom, what other conclusions, actions or whatever does this fact enable me to perform?

> To change your perception; 'improve' it maybe. To see things in a different form, and to try and see or find the patterns for yourself (if you're into this sort of thing i.e.).

For me, what's striking me as beautiful are the similar patterns that there are in music, art and math. (and of course much of the stuff that comes from math in CS...such as, recursion (which occurs in music and art as well)).

|> What about chess and poker? :)

=> Chess can be represented by a very large tree of all possible moves. Playing a game is simply a traversal of such a tree until it reaches an end state (the leaves).

Poker is pretty much an exercise in probability. All Maths 'ere.

[> We could go on like this forever, everything is Math. :)

]> au contraire, Math is a logically rigorous way of expressing reality

^> Hofstadter's "Goedel, Escher and Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid" should be required reading for everyone.

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